Kidkit School Uniforms

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About Us

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The KidKit Story

How it all began

Recently, I was frantically running around trying to find a new school blazer to replace the brand new one that my darling daughter had lost within a month. I really didn't want to invest in another new one for her to potentially lose but I didn't know where to go to find a second hand one. There was nothing on Facebook marketplace and the annual school second-hand sale had been and gone already.

Surely other parents were looking for second hand uniforms like I was? And what about the bags of uniforms that the kids had grown out of, taking up space in the closet because I didn't know how to get rid of them responsibly and I couldn't bring myself to throw them out because they were still in great condition?

I was frustrated that there wasn't a simple way to buy and sell pre-loved uniforms so I decided to create KidKit.

Our mission

KidKit's mission is to make it easy for parents to buy and sell pre-loved school uniforms, saving them time and the hassle of selling on other marketplaces, and allowing them to dress their kids in school uniform in an affordable and sustainable way.

We want to make a positive impact on families' budgets and their environmental footprint by reducing the amount of school uniforms that end up in landfill.

We hope that by connecting parents in the school community and by providing schools with a streamlined way to sell second hand uniforms year round online, we can bring school communities closer.

Who is KidKit for?

KidKit is for busy parents who

  • Want to save money on the cost of uniforms by buying great quality second hand uniforms
  • Want to make some money by selling their pre-loved uniforms
  • Want to be able to purchase what they need online, whenever and wherever they are in a single, secure transaction
  • Don't like using social media marketplaces because of the hassle of unreliable buyers and sellers, and inability to find what they're looking for
  • Want to remain anonymous except to the end buyer

KidKit is also a great solution for schools and P&C's that want an easy and efficient way to sell the second hand uniform donations that they receive all year round.

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